Many people are turning to God today.
Their hearts are stirring – wanting to know what life is all about.
Some may feel a gentle urging to seek God more.
Others might have a significant dream, and they sense God is speaking to them.
Or possibly a general restlessness – a dissatisfaction with the status quo.
God is stirring hearts and calling people to Himself.

For those who already know Him, His call is to a deeper relationship.
He wants to be near us not only on Sundays, or when it’s convenient. Our Father wants our lives to be lived with Him every day – every hour.
He has many plans for us.
There’s much to do; much to say. He is assembling His team. He is awakening His church.

The Creator of the Heavens and the Earth is Calling Your Name
This move of God is different from those in the past.
He is building on the great revivals and awakenings which have gone before. But new elements are appearing.
One of the new elements is that many “no name” believers will rise up to their ordained positions.
There will be only one “Super Hero,” and His name will be Jesus.
“I am the Alpha and the Omega, who was and is and is to come, the Almighty”
Connections will be important.
“Iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another.”
Our Creator wants us to honor each other and network for the fulfillment of His purposes.
So that’s where this site fits in. In the months to come I will be sending out messages for this great awakening.
There will be blog posts from myself and others.
There will be book reviews and interviews connecting people across the miles.

All around the world, there are those waiting to hear the Gospel.
Then of those who have received Jesus, there are those who are looking for God’s Word to be brought to them,
As we step up to the higher purpose our God has for us,
We will be counted as those who are part of His Next Great Move.