Job 25-27

Bildad expresses his opinion that no man is “right ” before God, and greatly offends Job. Our protagonist wants to feel that he is right before God. He has lived his life trying to  accomplish his own righteousness, and he can’t understand anyone suggesting that he hasn’t succeeded.

The Holy Spirit, through Paul, addresses this concept in Romans 10:2-3. “For I bear them witness that they had a zeal for God, but not in accordance with knowledge. For not knowing about God’s righteousness, and seeking to establish their own, they did not subject themselves to the righteousness of God.” In this passage, He is speaking of the Jews. Yet the same could be applied to Job.

Job wanted to feel that he was righteous, yet no man is righteous based on his own works. Not then; not now. Our righteousness is a gift from God, which can only come through Jesus, so before that time a man couldn’t claim to be so.

Of course, Job didn’t know that, so he continues to try to prove that he is a “good” man.

Acts 12

Peter has a surreal experience. Locked up securely in jail – sleeping between two soldiers and bound with two chains – the angels wake him up, loose the chains and lead him out of prison. The moment is so surreal he thinks he is dreaming…right up until the moment the iron gate into the city opens by itself.

When he “comes to his senses,” Peter realizes that this is not a dream, but reality. Wow.

Now let’s take a look at the next part of this and see if you can identify. He goes to the house where his friends are praying (for him to get out). Yet when the girl, Rhoda, opens the door and announces his presence, the prayer warriors say, “You’re out of your mind!” It must be his angel.

I have had God answer prayers in such a dramatic way that it was hard to believe. Have you? Well, we’d better get ready. He is in the prayer-answering business, and if we really believe Him, we will even see more than what we have seen so far.

It’s time for us to take our limits off of what our God can do. After all, He is the Creator of the universe, and He can accomplish whatever needs to be accomplished.

It’s time for us to believe for miracles. Just because we haven’t seen it done before, doesn’t mean that He won’t do it.

I am convinced that if we can truly believe him and trust Him, we will see mighty acts of mercy showering down.

Are you ready?