Almighty God, who has identified Himself as “I Am” to Moses, is about to fulfill one of the greatest promises of all times. He calls Himself “the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob,” and He is ready to accomplish the next phase of His plan. He is ready to carry out the promise He has made to His covenant people: Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
Because of their bondage and their separation from the Egyptians, the Hebrews have become a cohesive nation. And because of the blessing of God they have grown in number and strength. When Jacob came with his family, he brought 70. Now they number in the millions. In fact, there are more Hebrews than there are Egyptians.
When Moses left Egypt 40 years before, he too was different. He was bold enough to kill an Egyptian who was hurting a Hebrew. Now, when God approaches him, he feels incapable of speaking to the Pharoah. The 40 years on the backside of the desert have humbled him.
God waited until Moses was humble enough to depend on Him for his ministry. If God had called him sooner, Moses probably would have tried to accomplish it in his own strength. Now he knows that he has to depend on God.
When God calls us to do anything, there is a timing and a preparation which are required. Sometimes it may seem like He has forgotten, but He hasn’t. God is faithful to fulfill his promises and his Word.
As you might expect, God’s plan doesn’t happen without resistance from the devil. He stirs up Pharoah to make life harder for the Hebrews, and he stirs up the Hebrews to be angered against Moses.
But just wait, Satan. You are no match for the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. The great I Am is about to raise His arm on behalf of His people.
Matthew 15:21-39
Sometimes, it’s hard to understand exactly what Jesus is doing, isn’t it? A woman of Canaan came to Him for her daughter’s deliverance and he ignores her at first. We might think, why? Well, I think that He was testing her heart.
This woman wasn’t a covenant person. She was from Canaan, and not in covenant with God. She had not been raised to worship the One True God. Jesus was here representing that God, and He didn’t want to dilute the significance of His mission. His signs and wonders were to testify of God’s reality.
Having helped my husband pastor a church for twenty years, I have seen some unusual people come for prayer. There have been abusive husbands who have come for God to heal their marriages after their wives have left. Sometimes they have just wanted God to do his miracle without any repentance in their hearts. They just wanted to keep the status quo.
God is always after the heart of people. He wants a relationship with them, and He won’t be used as a rabbit foot to bring good luck.
Well, this woman proves that her heart is right. She obviously believes that God is God, and she is willing to take even His crumbs.
Jesus says, “O woman, great is your faith! And her daughter was healed that very hour.”
Jesus was on assignment to bring God’s covenant to all men everywhere if they believed His sacrifice and accepted Him as Lord. But the price hadn’t been paid yet, so only the covenant people – or those who already believed, were in line for His miracles. This woman wasn’t a covenant person, but she believed and that belief brought her into the promises.
Now that the price has been paid, the miracles are available to everyone. Now that the price has been paid, the full covenant is available to everyone who believes.
Yes, Lord, I believe.