A Good Friday Reflection
Note from Suellen: This faith-inspiring reflection is perfect for today. Insert your name instead of Mary Ann’s. Let the faithfulness of Jesus be real to you. He did this for you!
But now that faith has come, we are no longer under a tutor. For you are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus. For all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ. There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free man, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus. And if you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham’s descendants, heirs according to promise.
Galatians 3:25-29
God’s promises never fail!!! Oh Lord, it is so true. Your promises never fail!
The blessings of Abraham, all God’s promises to Him, are mine!
I am a child of God. He is my forever Father. I am the daughter of God Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth.
I am clothed with beautiful white raiments of Christ Jesus’ Righteousness, all by faith. Simply believing and receiving His word as perfect Truth. I am one with Jesus and the Father! I am a part of the royal priesthood.
And my Great High Priest, Jesus, ever lives to intercede for me, Mary Ann Wolfe. For me, the joy set before Him, Jesus walked the Via Della Rosa all the way to Calvary.
When everyone else ran away, He stayed. He stayed on course, stumbling beneath the weight of the cross. His breath was labored. Blood dripped into His eyes. It tickled His nose, but His hands firmly on the cross couldn’t wipe it away.
The thorns on His crown itched His head. A face so marred it did not appear human anymore. His mouth was dry, His lips cracked. But He stayed the course, one step at a time in total agony.
His destination: not His healing or even help for the pain. No, His destiny was to be hung on a cross for me. With help from Simon of Cyrene, He finally made it to the hill of skulls with the cross.
Crowds jeering and mocking Him all the way.
Guards threw the cross down and He stayed. They laid Him on the cross and pounded nails into His hands and feet. And still He stayed. He stayed for me! They pulled up the cross and dropped it with a thud into the ground. Pain ricocheted through the body of Jesus Christ the Son of God Almighty. And yet, He stayed.
He could have called one thousand angels and it would all be over. Instead He said, “Father, forgive them they know not what they do.” He stayed with His arms outstretched for me!
He saw me, His joy, and said, I’m staying, I’m staying. I will never leave her or forsake her. I will save her so she can be a daughter of the One True King. I will save her, so I can present her to My Father at the wedding feast of the Lamb.
I will stay, I will stay, I will stay, until I die and rise again defeating sin and death forever. Why? So all of Abraham’s blessings and promises can belong to all of God’s faithful children.
I will stay to make Mary Ann a joint-heir with Me to all of heavens glories. I will stay because I love Mary Ann Wolfe with a love that passes all knowledge or understanding.
And I say, all I know is this. I love You, Jesus, because You first loved me.
To God be the glory for the great things He has done!