by Suellen | Marketing Success, Write Your Own Book
Few things demonstrate your expertise on a subject as much as a book. That’s why so many coaches, speakers, marketers and others choose to publish books in their niche.
So what does a book do?
It gives you:
- Instant credibility—after all, you know enough to fill a book!
- An unforgettable business card—take a few with you to your next live event.
- Opportunities to reach a new market—many people will find you first through your book, not your blog.
- Speaking opportunities—event planners frequently seek out authors to speak at conferences and other gatherings.
- Bigger paychecks—all that credibility means you can—and should—be charging more.
But your book isn’t the only tool in your author arsenal. If you publish on Amazon, whether as a Kindle author, KDP Paperback author, or with a traditional publishing house, you are entitled to an “Author Page.”
Just like the about page on your website, this is where Amazon browsers go when they want to know more about you. Say for example they’re browsing for information about business branding, and they find your new book. If you’re an unknown to them, it’s hard to know if you have the information they’re looking for. That’s where your author page comes in.
By clicking through to your page, new visitors can learn about:
- Your experience and expertise
- Other books you’ve written
- Your blog and the topics you cover there
- Upcoming events
They can even ask you a question or two. What better way to decide if that book is worth the investment in time and money than to get to know the author better?
But many authors simply don’t take the time to make the most out of their author page, and they’re missing out—not only on an opportunity to make a great impression, but on the chance to earn more money as well.
Sign up below for a Free PDF with Tips for a Successful Amazon Author Page.
by Suellen | Marketing Success, Training
Introducing the World’s Greatest Bundle
Sometimes the internet business can seem overwhelming. We look for answers online, and we make a purchase of training or software, because we think that this is our answer. They promise us that it is.
But it isn’t.
So we look for another answer.
If we aren’t careful, we can jump from one promise to another and never make it happen.
That’s what is referred to as the “Shiny Object Syndrome.”
The truth is that some of those “Shiny Objects” do work, but they are part of the whole – and not the complete package.
That’s why I like the Big Picture approach.
Think about a spy movie you might have seen. Back in the headquarters, surrounded by a sci-fi version of computer screens, the experts are doing a search. They are looking for a couple of bad guys who are hiding in a tent in a north African desert.
They start focusing satellites toward the general area until they spot something which might be their target. So they zoom and zoom until they clearly see these people along with their cohorts, their tents, trucks, and ammunition. Zoom a little more, and the faces become clear.
The big picture first and then detail, and your plans begin to work.
That’s why it’s important to have a vision in mind. What do you want to accomplish? Who is your audience? How will you make money?
When these big picture foundations are laid, then the pieces begin to fit. Like a big puzzle.
Using another example…
When you dump out the pieces of a 1000 piece puzzle and pick up one piece, you have no idea where this piece might fit. But you look at the picture on the box. You lay your border pieces, and you begin comparing each piece to the picture. Bit by bit, you will be able to put it all together.
It’s similar with your internet business.
You will begin to understand why you need a website, and how to maximize its impact.
Why you need an email list.
Why you need to connect with others.
Why you need social media.
Why you need SEO.
And you will continue to grow in your ability to apply these pieces.
Your bottom line will also grow. Your bottom line and your influence.
Let me encourage you to spend some time really honing in on your vision of where you are going and what you want to do. Make it clear. Get pictures in your mind. Write the vision. Set up a vision board.
Then it will be easier to see what to do next.
Then you will be ready for the pieces of training to help you reach your goal.
Those important trainings will be tools and not shiny objects.
Now I want to make sure that you know about some excellent tools which are available this week only.
This week only, Dan Morris and Rachel Martin are offering their once-a-year Bundle of experts from around the world. It’s called BCStack 2020 and it’s famous as the biggest bundle ever. 65 collaborators from all over the world bring their trainings and products. Thousands of dollars worth for one small fee.
You will have 60 days to access the products. You can save them to your computer and use them as you are ready for each phase.
Dan and Rachel also have a Facebook group set up so that you can ask questions. They will be happy to share what would work best for each particular phase of your business. Just ask them.
This bundle would be too much for anyone to use immediately. But once you download the trainings, they are yours forever. You can pull them out to use whenever you are ready.
Be sure to check this bundle out HERE.
Remember, don’t let these be shiny objects which would take you on a tangent. Let them be a collection of tools for use over a period of time. You will be glad you have them available.
by Suellen | God's Guidance, Marketing Success
Are you ready for a reboot? Are you ready to clarify your vision and find the right path?
In the book of Proverbs, there are two paths mentioned – one of them more than once.
The first says There is a way that appears to be right, but in the end it leads to death. (Proverbs 14:12 and 16:25 NIV)
You notice that’s stated twice. It must be important.
So what could this mean?
Look around. Almost everything is negative. The virus, the riots, the political climate. Everything seems negative.
Well, everyone is saying it. It must be right. Right?
No. Just because you are being bombarded with these negative ideas and emotions, doesn’t mean that you have to enter the fray.
That path might seem right to man, but the end of it is death. Death of your dreams. Death of your business. Death of your health, if you allow yourself to stay in that mindset.
I prefer the second path.The path of the righteous is like the morning sun, shining ever brighter to the full light of day. (Proverbs 4:18 NIV)
That’s not to say that there won’t be obstacles and down moments.
However, through your faith in God, you can realize that you are an overcomer. You will be strong and courageous. You will choose to let your mind dwell on good things.
Of course, you will be wise and use precautions, and you will keep up with what is going on around you.
However, you won’t have negative news and thoughts pounding your ears and mind. You will think about God’s Word and His faithfulness to you.
This can be your time to rise to new heights.
If you are ready to reboot 2020 and declare it’s a year of promise, take a look at Connie Ragen Green’s free 2020 Vision Quest Challenge. Her challenge will bring boldness and clarity to you help you set your path.
I’ve known Connie for several years now, and have benefited from lots of her training. She is refreshingly authentic, and really smart in her approach to business.
You can get your free 2020 Vision Quest Challenge by clicking HERE.
Take a look.You’ll be glad you did.
Blessings and Keep on Soaring…

by Suellen | Write Your Own Book
I am thinking back to a special August day in 2010. My husband and I had just celebrated the birth of a beautiful grandson, so I was already on an emotional high. And then as we arrived back home and saw the box on our porch, I could hardly contain the excitement.
My books had arrived! My very own books!
With trembling hands, I opened the box and saw my name staring back at me. My beautiful books. All the work I had put into this masterpiece (at least to me, it was a masterpiece) – had paid off.
It was done. My very own book ready to give and to sell. Ready to bring encouragement to those who read it. Ready to open new doors for me since now I was a published author.
I began to reflect. I had wanted to write this book for a long time – mulling over ideas for many years. Why had I waited so long to actually do it?
Many things had held me back from experiencing this moment.
There had been confusion. And overwhelm. How could I write a whole book? What if I didn’t have enough to say? Who would really want to read it? Would it cost too much? And on and on…
Obstacles of thought and emotions. Fear, anxiety, and overwhelm.
I just wasn’t sure that I could do it.
Do you relate to what I’m saying? Do you have obstacles of mind and emotions which hinder you from accomplishing what you want?
Let’s face it. Each of us has obstacles in our life’s journey.
Some of these are because of our environment, our health, or our unique circumstances. We may be dealing with sickness in ourselves or a close family member. We might be going through a major life change – such as a divorce or the death of someone close.
Sometimes demands are made on our time and energy by good seasons in our lives. We may have several small children who need an usual amount of attention. Or we may be getting married or starting an engaging career.
Yet when life is rolling along at a more even pace (if that ever really happens), we can still face obstacles in our minds. Our thoughts, our emotions, and our habits can cause us to stand still and not move forward.
We may occasionally dream about the “what if’s,” but we don’t take any steps toward accomplishing those dreams. We treat our lives as if we will either win the lottery – or not. The big moment will come, or it won’t.
And in the meantime, we remain idle without moving toward those dreams.
Well I have met many people who have a dream of writing a book. Maybe they have a great story concerning their own unique experiences. Perhaps they realize that a book would be just the thing to introduce Jesus to those who don’t know Him. cement their credibility in their field. Maybe they want to make some extra money from the book sales.
There are many reasons for writing a book.
Yet here is the truth: Many talk about it, but very few ever really get it done. They dream and they talk, but they never actually do it.
I understand this dilemma, because that’s the way I was for many years. I would think about it. I would even occasionally jot down a few notes. But I just couldn’t get over that unidentifiable roadblock. It just seemed too hard. Out of reach. I would put it aside and forget about it for awhile.
Well my day finally came, and what made that switch for me?
I began studying about self-publishing. I read books, attended seminars, and online webinars. Somehow, during that process, I gained courage and began the journey. One step at a time, I completed the trip and published my first book.
I realized that those who were writing their books were just like me – like you. If they could do it, then so could I.
Now several years later, I have more than 20 books published in paperback and on Kindle. Once I started the process, each one became easier.
Now my goal is to help others who were just like I was.
Maybe you are one of them.
If you have been thinking about writing your book but haven’t done it yet, then maybe overwhelm or confusion is holding you back.
In my series of 12 On Demand Webinars, Audios, Transcripts, Action Step Sheets, and Bonuses, I take you step by step through the process. Your Planning, Writing, Pre-marketing, Designing, and Publishing can be accomplished by you – just as they were by me. One step at a time – and it’s done.
Please check out the opportunity. At The world needs to hear from you.
And for a limited time, the entire course will be half price.
In the meantime, Keep on Soaring!
by Suellen | Write Your Own Book
There’s just Not Enough Time!
I have to say, this has been my lament in many situations.
Of course, we know the adage that “everyone has the same 24 hours.” But that adage didn’t make any difference when I was attempting to get more done.
With a church to oversee. Children and grandchildren. Serving on City Council. Other community activities. And on and on.
Then I read Stephen Covey’s book again. 7 Habits of Highly Effective People.
Do you remember the chapter about the rocks in a jar?
First, you have a pile of rocks of many different sizes and you fill the jar the best way you can. Many rocks get left out. They just won’t fit. There’s not enough room.
Then you try a different approach.
You put in the big rocks first. Then the middle sized ones. Finally you can fill in the crevices with the tiny rocks and pebbles.
Covey was linking this demonstration with time management. There are those big things, which require most of our time. The nine-to-five job. The running of the house. Childcare. Church work. Daily devotions.
Next come the middle sized time demands. Personal care. Doctor and dentist appointments. Volunteering at your child’s school carnival.
Then there are those little items. Leave dog at vet. Drop off cleaning. Write a quick note to teacher. You know those tiny time consumers which can overwhelm your day if you let them.
So Covey recommends that you take out your calendar and insert the large items first. Then the middle-sized. After those bigger plans are marked out on your calendar, it will be surprising how much vacant space you will see.
This Covey suggestion is what I like to use.
All those tiny time consumers can be put on a list. You have 10 minutes while you are waiting for your child? Pull out an item from your list and whip it off quickly. A phone call. A note. Paying a bill. Making a grocery list or planning a meal.
It’s amazing what can be done with proper planning.
But this is the best part: When you plan your time in this way, there will still be some blank spots on your calendar.
Those are the times you can use to take on some long term projects. Those things you don’t think you have time for right now.
That, in fact is how I wrote and published my first book.
After years of feeling inadequate and too busy to write, I marked my calendar and found some time. Maybe an hour here. Two hours there.
It’s amazing what concentration and commitment will do for us.
Those smaller moments add up, and soon the project is completed. That “wow” moment when it’s done!
The excitement of completing that first book was worth all of the effort I had put into finding the time. All of the organization and planning. That first book was worth whatever-it-took to do it! I was a published author!
Now I have to say that there are other ways of establishing time for a project. That’s why I devoted a whole webinar in my course “It’s Time For You To Write That Book, 2.0” to The Time Factor. I discuss the Big rock/little rock method. I also discuss some other approaches.
Everyone is different. Even though this Covey idea suits me, not everyone thinks or works in that fashion.
But there are other ways of getting the job done. Other plans for finding or making the time for long term projects you want to do.
Plans which will help you to write your book. To make that lasting impact you want to make.
Be blessed. And remember to Keep on Soaring!