A Good Friday Reflection

A Good Friday Reflection

Note from Suellen: This faith-inspiring reflection is perfect for today. Insert your name instead of Mary Ann’s. Let the faithfulness of Jesus be real to you. He did this for you!

 But now that faith has come, we are no longer under a tutor. For you are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus. For all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ. There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free man, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus. And if you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham’s descendants, heirs according to promise.

Galatians 3:25-29

God’s promises never fail!!!  Oh Lord, it is so true. Your promises never fail!

The blessings of Abraham, all God’s promises to Him, are mine!

I am a child of God.  He is my forever Father.  I am the daughter of God Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth.

I am clothed with beautiful white raiments of Christ Jesus’ Righteousness, all by faith.  Simply believing and receiving His word as perfect Truth. I am one with Jesus and the Father! I am a part of the royal priesthood.

And  my Great High Priest, Jesus, ever lives to intercede for me, Mary Ann Wolfe. For me, the joy set before Him, Jesus walked the Via Della Rosa all the way to Calvary.

When everyone else ran away, He stayed.  He stayed on course, stumbling beneath the weight of the cross. His breath was labored. Blood dripped into His eyes. It tickled His nose, but His hands firmly on the cross couldn’t wipe it away.

The thorns on His crown itched His head. A face so marred it did not appear human anymore. His mouth was dry, His lips cracked. But He stayed the course, one step at a time in total agony.

His destination: not His healing or even help for the pain.  No, His destiny was to be hung on a cross for me.  With help from Simon of Cyrene,  He finally made it to the hill of skulls with the cross.

Crowds  jeering and mocking Him all the way.

Guards threw the cross down and He stayed. They laid Him on the cross and pounded nails into His hands and feet. And still He stayed. He stayed for me! They pulled up the cross and dropped it with a thud into the ground. Pain ricocheted through the body of Jesus Christ the Son of God Almighty. And yet, He stayed.

He could have called one thousand angels and it would all be over. Instead He said, “Father, forgive them they know not what they do.” He stayed with His arms outstretched for me!

He saw me, His joy, and said, I’m staying, I’m staying. I will never leave her or forsake her. I will save her so she can be a daughter of  the One True King. I will save her, so I can present her to My Father at the wedding feast of the Lamb.

I will stay, I will stay, I will stay, until I die and rise again defeating sin and death forever. Why? So all of Abraham’s blessings and promises can belong to all of God’s faithful children.

I will stay to make Mary Ann a joint-heir with Me to all of heavens glories. I will stay because I love Mary Ann Wolfe with a love that passes all knowledge or understanding.

And I say, all I know is this. I love You, Jesus, because You first loved me.

To God be the glory for the great things He has done!

He Is My Rock

He Is My Rock

Suellen’s Note: I want to share with you  the testimony of a very special lady. The first time I met Candice, I knew that God had His hand on her in a mighty way. I could immediately see such a sweet spirit, and her desire to fulfill her purpose in God… Little did I know that her growing up years were so filled with turmoil and pain.

Guest Post by Candice Fowler…

I guess my story begins as a young child.

I was born into a family with lots of problems. From the time I was a baby, I was tossed back and forth from  family member to family member.

There was a lot of abuse, drug abuse and neglect.

I never really felt safe and secure.

As I grew older, I began to walk that same path. I was heavy into drugs and lived a life full of sin and rebellion. The loneliness and hurt within me caused me to seek unhealthy relationships.

I could see my life spiraling downwards.

Yet even as an adult, I continued on that path. I only really thought of myself, and did whatever I wanted to. I was trying to cure my despair with momentary pleasures of drugs and promiscuity.

Around 2008, God started getting my attention. I knew that there was a better way and I felt drawn to God and His love for me. It was a hard road and It took me a couple years to completely straighten up my life, but God was still faithful and patiently waited.

I began to go to church and serve in the church, but something was lacking, and that was a relationship with him.

In 2016, I fully gave my life to God. I received Jesus, I learned what surrender was and I laid it all down. Totally surrendering my life to Him. It truly takes giving Him control of it all, allowing Him to change you.

On a daily basis, I pray and ask God to create a clean heart within me. For Him to  search me and find any wrong way within me, and burn it up.

I can’t imagine living a day without him. He truly is my Rock, my Redeemer, my Fortress, my Strong Tower. Those are not just words to me, that is who my God is!

He takes us out of the pit of destruction and places us on firm foundation.

I look back at my life and I can see that I have a great purpose. There were several times when I could have ended up dead, but he protected me through it all.

He has completely changed my life.

I know without a doubt there is a God. I never thought in a million years I would be the person I am today, but GOD!!

The End of the World As I Knew It

The End of the World As I Knew It

People who know Mickey and me today, know us as ministers. We’ve pastored a church, written books, have been speakers and missionaries. We also have a terrific family with 4 married children, 14 grandchildren, and one great grandchild.

We love life and love each other.

Many people know that the source of all of these blessings is our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. What many don’t know is that each of us had very dramatic encounters with Jesus which turned our lives around.

I want to share my story here…


It Was the End of the World As I Knew It…

I was lying face down on the floor of my suburban Atlanta home. Shattered. Exhausted. Afraid.

I had a good job and three adorable daughters. But I was overworked, trying to take care of everyone and everything. I was tired, emotionally drained, and constantly worrying about the well being of my daughters.

You see, two years before, I had gone through a very painful divorce that had left me feeling ashamed and lonely. My family didn’t believe in divorce. I didn’t believe in it. But there I was.

The world I had known had ended. The world that had started out seeming so good…

That world had started in college, when I wanted to think of myself as an intellectual. So when I read books written by a leading “scholar” from Yale Theological Seminary, I believed them. After all, he was from Yale. He must know what he’s talking about, right?

Not necessarily.

And when this “scholar” attempted to remove all of the miracles from the Bible, not much was left. I began to doubt my faith.

It seemed the fad in those days was to denounce or “modify” Christianity. I was attending a Liberal Arts College with a supposed Christian orientation, and one of our courses was on the Bible. So we analyzed and looked for “myths.” And one of the professors with lots of charisma pointed out many concepts which he considered to be myths.

Once again, I thought the professor was smart, and I believed him.

The outcome was that I continued to consider myself a Christian, but with modified beliefs. I no longer understood what the life of Jesus had accomplished. I began to think of Him as a good man. Like many other Good Men who headed up other world religions.

Soon after college, I married a like-minded man, and we began our lives together. I loved decorating our home and entertaining friends. Over the next thirteen years, I gave birth to 3 beautiful daughters, and  loved being their mother.

It started out as fun. Lots of ballgames. Plays. Concerts. Travel. Parties.

The Bible had been moved back from the frontlines. Society began to dictate my thoughts and my lifestyle. I wanted to be up to date on the latest styles and topics. To know what was going on in the world. To read the latest books.

After all, my active social life required that I would be up to date on these things.

Oh, did I mention that this social lifestyle also included lots of social – and maybe not so social – drinking? Well it did.

And arguments. And more and more confusion.

In fact, things got so that they weren’t much fun anymore…

Then came the crash…and a crash it was!! A bitter divorce.

Depressed, lonely, angry, and afraid, for the next two years, I attempted to put together a single life that made sense to me. But all I could find was overwhelm. My job provided most of our needs, but I was exhausted.

So the night came when I had had enough. As my adorable  girls slept, I fell face down on the floor of my den and I prayed.

It wasn’t a traditional prayer.

Forget all the books. Forget all the intellectual rhetoric.

I had a tremendous need for help.

Who cares what some professor thinks now?

I was desperate…

Jesus, if you are real, I need you. And I want you in my life.

What happened next was astonishing. It was almost instantaneous. The tears left. The fear, the sadness, the overwhelm disappeared. What was left was overwhelming joy.

It was shocking. Could this be real? What’s happening?

In an instant I had changed. I knew that Jesus was alive, and I knew that He had impacted me. I felt a warmth like liquid love being poured out on me.

I had no idea of the adventurous life He was about to lead me into. I just knew that everything was going to be O.K.

The next few days are memorable because I could tell that I wasn’t the same. My attitude – toward people – toward my own life – was different.

And I had a hunger to read the Bible. I threw off the concepts which I had borrowed from others, and began to allow the Bible to speak to me personally. And it was speaking volumes.

I ran across the verse which says,

If any man be in Christ he is a new creation. Old things are passed away and behold all things have become new. And all of these new things are of God. (II Corinthians 5:17).

That obviously had happened to me. I could tell that I wasn’t the same. Amazing!

I remember that encounter with Jesus as if it happened yesterday, but really it happened to me many years ago.

The end of my world was the beginning of a new one. A world with more clarity. More understanding. More courage. More love and faith. And true happiness – which can only come from our Father God.

A few years later, I met my current husband who also had had a dramatic encounter. His story is different, but he too met Jesus personally while alone in his home. And he too had a dramatic change in his life. Soon after our marriage, we had a son to go with our three daughters.

We have spent the last few decades on an adventure with God. Never  boring. Many times challenging. But always filled with a knowledge of God’s love and care for us.

We’ve seen many miracles along the way.

Now your own personal encounter can happen for you also. You don’t have to be in a church. It can happen in your home – or anywhere.

Here’s the thing…

With every other religion the purpose is to follow a certain set of rules – or a certain philosophy. They all sound good. They all promote compassion toward others and doing good deeds

What I had never understood before my salvation was that with Jesus, it’s not about believing a philosophy or following a set of rules. It is about literally receiving His Spirit, the Holy Spirit, to come and live inside of us. Making us new. Fresh. And Alive. Truly being Born Again.

You see, the other dead philosophers are not living in our realm. Jesus is. He was resurrected and is alive. He is in heaven, but His spirit is here living inside of us when we receive Him. Right here. Right now.

My prayer is for you, as you read this, to have your faith strengthened, If you are a believer.

If you are not a believer, let me encourage you to seek Jesus. Ask Him to show you the truth. Is He real? Yes, He is. And He is eager to turn your life around also.

Your story won’t be like mine. Every one is different.

But Jesus will begin a new life which you never knew existed. A life of love, peace, and great joy.

And as you continue, you will grow in your understanding of who He is and who you are in His Kingdom.

You’ll read the Bible with fresh eyes. Verses will leap off the page and you will know that your Heavenly Father is speaking to you personally.

My prayer is that you, too, seek Jesus.

Do it! The love of God is waiting for you.




When You Need Direction

When You Need Direction

On the outskirts of Seoul, South Korea stands what many say is the world’s largest church. David Yonggi Cho (formerly known as Paul Yonggi Cho), is the founder and pastor of Yoido Full Gospel Church. The latest counts have his congregation close to a million!

His story is an awesome one of a poverty-stricken young man who had an encounter with God on what seemed to be his death bed. He was healed as he embraced the new life from God. From this new-found life he has grown into one of the world’s most powerful men of God.

Needless to say, spiritual leaders have swamped him with requests for advice. How did he manage to inspire so many people? What is his formula?

When confronted with these questions, Pastor Cho’s characteristic wisdom and humor converge as he responds with a broad smile… “I pray… And I obey.”

What a formula!

It seems so simple. Pray and then obey. Whatever God says do, do it.

Throughout the Bible we see this concept in action. Someone will be in trouble and they will call upon the Lord. “What should I do?”

One of the most notable examples of this is David at Ziklag. (I Samuel 30).

He and his men had been away from camp, fighting with the Philistines. They returned to Ziklag to discover a horrible scene. Their camp had been raided and burned. All of their wives and children had been captured – and all of their possessions had been stolen.

There was nothing there but a burned-out camp!

Needless to say, David’s men did not take it well. They wanted to stone him!

Distraught, David pulled himself aside and “stirred himself up in the Lord.” He fasted and prayed and asked God for guidance.

“Shall I pursue this raiding party? Will I overtake them?”

God’s answer was certain. “Pursue them. You will certainly overtake them and succeed in the rescue.”

So that’s what David did. He and his men pursued and found the camp where the raiders were gathered and retook all that was stolen.

Just as pastor Cho has done, David prayed and he obeyed.

It seems simple. So why don’t all of us do that? Pray and obey.

The key is knowing what God says. And, of course, what He says starts with His Word.

While you are in prayer, God will impress you with His plans. Then if you continue to listen carefully, He will show you how that lines up with His Word. He will give you scripture which will back up what you are hearing.

Today we have many advantages which David didn’t have. Jesus has come and paid the price for our salvation, and He has given us the Holy Spirit within so that we can hear more clearly.

Also, we now have the Word of God. That’s how you know for sure that God is speaking to you.

We can read the Bible and see what brings life and what brings death. We can see what works and what doesn’t. And we can understand God’s plan more completely.

As we read, the Word will speak to us, and we will have confirmation of what we believe God is saying.

Knowing that God’s plans are perfect and that He always has an answer for our problems, we can count on His direction. And we can be sure that His way is the best way forward.

We pray … and we obey.

That’s the way to the Good Life He has for us. That’s the way to success

Soar Like an Eagle

Soar Like an Eagle

My husband loves to photograph Eagles.

We have spent many days packing gear into our car and driving off to unfamiliar territory in order to catch glimpses of these magnificent birds. We join the quiet, respectful group of photographers who have congregated close to the nests. Then patiently we wait to spot the tiny eaglets as their heads pop up.

My favorite part of this excursion is to watch the adult birds. They launch from the nest in pursuit of food. And they soar.

High, higher, higher…

These beautiful, majestic birds spread their wings to their full extent and they soar. The wind currents carry them and they disappear from sight as they head toward the nearest water or higher hills.

Then you watch them dip and swirl as they allow the wind streams to create the lift they desire.

It’s beautiful to watch.

This scenario reminds me of our lives as Christians.

God has plans for us. Our special purpose to further His Kingdom. Our unique part in His big plan.

You may think of yourself as too small or too insignificant to matter very much to God.

If so, you are wrong. You are precious and extremely important to your Father.

Do you consider yourself  a “simple person?” Well I have tremendous news for you! That’s who God is looking for.

God isn’t looking for self-sufficient ones.  He is looking for those who rely on Him and His Spirit to live their lives and accomplish His will.

To put it another way, the old adage is true: the way up is down. Down on our knees and down in our own eyes.

Then He will lift you up.

When we insist on doing things in our own strength, we mix our own efforts – even our best efforts – with pride, fear, worry, confusion, and every negative emotion.

Our Father wants our lives to be above all of that negativity. He has many things for us to accomplish, but He wants us to accomplish them with joy. And he desires to work with us to fulfill our part.

So when we start with prayer, reading the Word, and listening for our Father’s direction, something beautiful occurs. We get direction as to what to do. We gain confidence that only comes from time with Him.

And He empowers us to accomplish His task.

Even youths shall faint and grow weary.

But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength.

They shall mount up with wings as eagles.

They shall run and not be weary. 

They shall walk and not faint. (Isaiah 40:30-31)